Clément Cogitore

Clément Cogitore
Photos 1,2: Clément Cogitore, © Kenza Wadimoff | Photo 3: Courtesy: Chantal Crousel Consulting, Paris and Galerie Elisabeth and Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart

Assange Dancing, 2012

Video, 16:9, color, 6'56''

Clément Cogitore often uses images taken from the web, following a dual principle of recycling and fascination with the life of moving images. Assange Dancing was made from images taken and posted online by the DJ of a Reykjavik nightclub in 2011. In the video, the activist founder of WikiLeaks - we think we recognize him even if his face is not clear - undulates in the syncopated light, almost alone on the dance floor. Clément Cogitore uses slow motion, loops and suppressed sound to accentuate the shamanic dimension of this "dance to chase away demons", as he puts it. This near-ready-made is also a contemporary portrait of a tragic hero, as a knight would have been painted in the Middle Ages.

Courtesy: Chantal Crousel Consulting

Clément Cogitore

Born in 1983 in Colmar

Lives between Paris and Berlin

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