Collectif Facteur

Collectif Facteur

Collectif Facteur

Open and eager for constant exchange, the Facteur collective aims to be an itinerant project. Recently awarded the Prix culturel d'encouragement by the State of Valais, the collective brings together artists Basile Richon, Christel Voeffray, Gabrielle Rossier and Rémy Bender. In the form of a residency, they carry out projects in situ, using the resources of the site and integrating a process of reflection and interaction with the environment in which they work. Ultimately, he invites the public to inhabit the proposed space as a point of interrogation on the relationship to space, time, image and sound.

Théâtre Les Halles invited the collective to create a work in the foyer of the theater for the first edition of the Son Biennale. The foyer, the antechamber to the "main stage", is a space of transition, expectation and encounter; this floating status is a challenge to the collective, whose interventions are built on the singularities of the places in which they operate.

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