Performance concert
Tickets for this performance are also valid for the David Toop concert and performances by dianita, Shatha Afify and Romain Iannone.
Alvin Curran describes his intensely playful and poetic performances as follows:
My performances are the music I was born with (...) Today, this form is one of my favorite ways of making music, because it demands the whole truth and nothing but the truth! TransDadaExpress, Endangered Species, and The Alvin Curran Fake Book are the latest titles I've given at these concerts, where I present a spontaneous mix of piano (Diskklavier if available), sample-activated MIDI keyboard, processors, voice, brass and other small instruments. These are always unpredictable exercises lasting from 45 to 90 minutes, combining rigor and anarchy, where minimalist and maximalist extremes meet; where music is always a roller-coaster ride, but inside a temple.