Concert | Creation for Biennale Son
Tickets for this concert are also valid for performances by Antoine Chessex and Caterina De Nicola.
Signal Mirror (Phonocamptique 1) is a mixed electroacoustic work. It combines pre-recorded elements (a "tape") with real-time musical production using electronic and/or acoustic instruments.
Phonocamptics is a forgotten term that once referred to the study of sound reflections, echoes and wavefront scattering. It is a singular part of acoustics, named as such in the 17th century by the polymath Althanasius Kircher.
Commissioned for the Son Biennale, Signal Mirror (Phonocamptique 1) aims to develop a musical discourse entirely focused on the phenomenon of sound propagation. The aim is to integrate into musical writing the deployment of sound, its diffusion, the echoes it generates, and the artifacts it leaves behind once dissipated.
The main challenge of this piece is to succeed in articulating writing and manifestation, or, to put it another way, to confront a musical idea with the concrete reality of its acoustic materialization. It's only when this articulation is successful that a fertile relationship can be established and flourish, placing the concrete reality of sound at the heart of what's at stake in music.